World Mints since 1500

In this section we offer the beginning of a list of Mints around the world that have operated or continue to operate since the beginning of modern times (1500). This inventory is being developed in collaboration with TICCIH (the International Committee for the Conservation of the Historical and Industrial Heritage). This is a major project that will last many years. Only those Mints for which we have some kind of data will appear on this list. As we get more data, we will expand the list. We intend to make this a platform accessible to all so that among many people, from many countries, we can develop the inventory.


Mint / Cities




Collaborate with new information!

Do not hesitate to participate by sending us your contributions, be they photos or any other relevant data to

Main data we are looking for
Photographs of the building, its remains, or where it was located.
Old plans or drawings of the building or its location.
Dates of the first and last coinage in the aforementioned building.
Technology used (hammer, machine type, etc.).
Current use of the building, and whether or not it is possible to visit.